Harsh melon is high in nutrients An and C and different supplements. It contains intensifies that might have medical advantages. Yet, it might cause a few incidental effects.

Harsh melon — otherwise called severe gourd or Momordica charantia — is a tropical plant that has a place with the gourd family and is firmly connected with zucchini, squash, pumpkin, and cucumber.

It’s developed all over the planet for its palatable natural product, which is viewed as a staple in many kinds of Asian food.

The Chinese assortment is commonly lengthy, light green, and covered with mole like knocks.

Then again, the Indian assortment is more thin and has pointed closes with harsh, rugged spikes on the skin.

Notwithstanding its sharp flavor and unmistakable appearance, harsh melon has been related with a few noteworthy medical advantages


Two bitter melons on a wooden cutting board with many more in a bowl beside them

1. Packs several important nutrients

A good source of several important nutrients is bitter melon.

100 grams of crude unpleasant melon gives :

  • Calories: 21
  • Carbs: 4 grams
  • Fiber: 2 grams
  • Vitamin C: 99% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Vitamin A: 44% of the DV
  • Folate: 17% of the DV
  • Potassium: 8% of the DV
  • Zinc: 5% of the DV
  • Iron: 4% of the DV

Vitamin C, an essential micronutrient involved in disease prevention, bone formation, and wound healing, is particularly abundant in bitter melon.

Additionally, it is high in vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin that aids in clear vision and healthy skin.

It gives you folate, which is important for growth and development, and smaller amounts of iron, zinc, potassium, and folate.

Also, bitter melon is a good source of powerful antioxidant compounds like catechin, gallic acid, epicatechin, and chlorogenic acid, which can help protect your cells from damage.

In addition, a single serving of one cup (94 grams) provides approximately 8% of your daily fiber requirement while still being low in calories.

2. Can help reduce blood sugar

Bitter melon has long been used by indigenous people all over the world to treat diabetes-related conditions due to its potent medicinal properties. Numerous studies in recent years have confirmed the fruit’s role in controlling blood sugar.

Blood sugar and hemoglobin A1c, a test used to measure blood sugar control over three months, decreased when 24 adults with diabetes took 2,000 mg of bitter melon daily for three months (7).

Another study on 40 diabetics found that taking 2,000 mg of bitter melon daily for four weeks reduced blood sugar levels slightly.

Additionally, fructosamine levels, a short-term indicator of long-term blood sugar control, were significantly reduced by the supplement.

It is believed that bitter melon increases insulin secretion, the hormone that controls blood sugar levels, and improves the way sugar is used in tissues.

However, in order to comprehend how bitter melon may affect the general population’s blood sugar levels, larger, more high-quality studies are required.

3. May have cancer-fighting properties

Some compounds in bitter melon may have anti-cancer properties, according to research.

For instance, a previous study in a test tube demonstrated that bitter melon extract was effective at eliminating cancer cells from the stomach, colon, lung, and nasopharynx—the area at the back of your throat behind your nose.

Similar results were found in a similar animal and test tube study, which found that bitter melon extract prevented the growth and spread of breast cancer cells and promoted cancer cell death.

Keep in mind that the cells in these studies were treated with concentrated bitter melon extract in a laboratory.

Further exploration is expected to decide what unpleasant melon might mean for disease development and improvement in people when eaten in the typical sums tracked down in food.

4. Could decrease cholesterol levels

Cholesterol levels that are too high can lead to the formation of fatty plaque in your arteries, which makes it more difficult for your heart to pump blood and raises your risk of developing heart disease.

According to a number of animal studies, bitter melon may support overall heart health by lowering cholesterol levels.

When compared to a placebo, one human study found that administering a water-soluble bitter melon extract significantly reduced levels of LDL, or “bad” cholesterol.

However, a mouse study found that bitter melon did not prevent atherosclerosis or cholesterol levels from rising (14).

To determine whether these positive effects on humans who consume the gourd as part of a balanced diet are consistent, additional research is required.

5. Improves fiber intake

Due to its high fiber content and low calorie content, bitter melon is an excellent addition to a weight loss diet. It contains around 2 grams of fiber in every 100-gram serving.

Fiber moves slowly through your digestive system, making you feel fuller for longer and reducing your appetite (15).

Harsh melon likewise has purgative properties, which might assist with supporting absorption assuming you are obstructed (16).

In this manner, trading more unhealthy fixings with severe melon could assist with expanding your fiber admission and slice calories to advance weight reduction.

Note that these investigations were performed utilizing high-portion harsh melon supplements. It stays muddled whether eating severe melon as a feature of your normal eating routine would affect wellbeing.

6. Versatile and delicious

The sharp flavor of bitter melon complements a variety of dishes.

To begin, wash the fruit and cut it in half lengthwise. Then, at that point, utilize an utensil to scoop out the seeds from the middle, and cut the organic product into flimsy cuts.

Raw or cooked, bitter melon can be enjoyed in a variety of dishes.

In point of fact, it can be baked, steamed, pan-fried, or even hollowed out and filled with whatever you like.

The following are some novel approaches to including bitter melon in your diet:

For a nutrient-packed beverage, juice bitter melon with a few other fruits and vegetables.
For additional health benefits, add bitter melon to your next stir-fry.
Add bitter melon to scrambled eggs by sautéing it with tomatoes, garlic, and onions.
For a savory salad, combine seedless bitter melon with the dressing and garnish of your choice.
Serve with a black bean sauce and stuff it with vegetables and ground meat.


Potential side effects

Bitter melon can be a nutritious addition to your diet when consumed in moderation.

However, there may be a number of negative effects if you consume a lot of bitter melon or take bitter melon supplements.

Specifically, harsh melon has been connected to the runs and stomach torment.

It’s additionally not suggested for ladies who are pregnant, as its drawn out consequences for wellbeing have not been broadly examined.

If you are taking any medication that lowers blood sugar, you should talk to your doctor before eating it because it affects your blood sugar.

Additionally, if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking any medications, consult a doctor before using bitter melon as a supplement. Always follow the directions.


The bottom line

Harsh melon is an organic product in the gourd family with a one of a kind appearance and flavor.

It is also linked to numerous health benefits, including improved control of blood sugar and cholesterol levels, in addition to being high in a number of essential nutrients.

Take note that before taking supplements or consuming large quantities, individuals who are pregnant or taking certain medications, particularly those that lower blood sugar, should consult their doctor.

In any case, with some restraint, harsh melon makes for a tasty, nutritious, and simple expansion to a sound, balanced diet.