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Health benefits of wood apple
1. Prevents diarrhoea and improves gut health: Wood apple or bel has antidiarrhoeal properties that can stop stomach infections and diarrhoea caused by bacteria E. Coli and Shigella. The unripe fruit of bel can stop bacteria from multiplying in the gut. Before science validated it, Ayurveda and folk medicine had been prescribing wood apple for diarrhoea for centuries.
2. Fights fungus, virus and bacteria: Wood apple contains compounds that can ward off microbes that cause diseases. It is most effective against bacteria like Bacillus subtilis followed by Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It has also shown anti-viral activity against coxsackievirus responsible for meningitis, hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, myocarditis and encephalitis.
3. May protect against ill effects of radiation: Studies on rats have confirmed bel extracts can protect healthy tissues against radiation. Bel contains radioprotective compounds that protect normal tissues against radiation injury, which generated cancer-causing free radicals.
4. May protect against cancer: The extracts of wood apple could stop the spread of breast cancer cells, according to a study. Some of the phytochemicals in the fruit, such as lupeol, eugenol, citral, cineole and d-limonene, tend to work like anticancer medication. In fact, the extracts of wood apple, (lupeol, eugenol, limonene, citral, rutin, and anthocyanins) can be used to prevent cancer, according to a study on rats.
5. Fights fever: Wood apple is an antipyretic agent, which means it fights fever. The extracts of the fruit were found to have improved fever by reducing the body temperature in animal tests.
6. Could heal ulcers: Wood apple or bel may be good for stomach health as it has powerful antioxidant properties to heal ulcers.
7. Good for kidney health and blood pressure: Wood apple is a diuretic that helps the kidney in removing excess sodium from the body in the form of urine. It also relieves pressure from veins and arteries, lowering blood pressure.
Scientific Name: Limonia acidissima.
Ingredients: 100% Wood Apple Powder.
Place Of Origin: Sri Lanka.
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