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Oops, looks that mega-menu was not imported correctly. Go to Appearance > Menus > edit menu and use the 8theme menu options to select the Static Block for this menu item and show the mega-menu content
Oops, looks that mega-menu was not imported correctly. Go to Appearance > Menus > edit menu and use the 8theme menu options to select the Static Block for this menu item and show the mega-menu content
Oops, looks that mega-menu was not imported correctly. Go to Appearance > Menus > edit menu and use the 8theme menu options to select the Static Block for this menu item and show the mega-menu content
Omega 3 fatty acids in cod liver oil increases cell membrane content of both EPA and DHA which increases the production of anti-inflammatory group icosanoid. Omega 3 fatty acids decreases the production of interlukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor by down regulating inflammatory response. Omega 3 fatty acids in Cod liver oil has exert effects on atherogenesis and thrombus formation. Thus omega 3 fatty acids has anti- inflammatory, anti-arrhythmic, hypolipidemic and vasodilatory properties.
It reduces the risk of Cardio vascular disease, lowers the blood pressure, reduces serum triglyceride level, homocystein and exert anti-thrombogenic effects.
It’s important in vision and central nervous system. (Brain and nerve tissue membrane lipids contain particularly a high proportion of arachidonic acid and DHA. Photo receptor in the retina of the eye also contains a high proportion phospholipid containing two DHA moieties.)
It helps in preventing breast cancers, colon cancers and prostate cancers by inhibiting the cell growth.
It reduces rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease
Black seed works as an adaptogen. Its consumption helps the body to adapt positively, enhancing natural immunity thereby building up its natural resistance against various diseases, providing all round protection.
Katupila Tea - Ingredients: Flueggea leucopyrus A wonderful herb for the treatment of wound healing useful in vitiated conditions of Pitta Reduce burning sensation, strangury Treatment for seminal weakness and general debility a medicine in menstrual disorders Has ability to suppress cancers