Lemongrass tea, according to many, has numerous health benefits, including reducing bloating and preventing infection. However, sufficient large-scale studies have not yet been carried out by researchers to demonstrate these advantages.

The plant has long leaves that are like those of seagrasses. Although there are about 55 different species of lemongrass, only the East Indian and West Indian varieties can be used in cooking.

Lemongrass tea’s health and medicinal benefits are of interest to a number of researchers. In this article, we investigate a portion of the medical advantages this tea might offer, and consider the proof supporting the cases.

Benefits of lemongrass tea

Lemongrass tea

Many individuals accept that lemongrass tea offers various medical advantages, yet proof is deficient.

Specialists really do realize that the tea can help battle against free revolutionaries, in this way decreasing the occurrence of irritation in the body. Lemongrass contains the irritation battling compounds chlorogenic corrosive, isoorientin, and swertiajaponin.

Irritation is a figure numerous unfriendly ailments, including torment and coronary illness. Thusly, lemongrass tea could be a helpful beverage for individuals to integrate into their eating routine.

The following are seven extra medical advantages that might come about because of drinking lemongrass tea.

1. Relieving anxiety

Many individuals view tasting hot tea as unwinding, yet lemongrass tea might offer further uneasiness lessening properties.

As per the Remembrance Sloan Kettering Malignant growth Place, smelling lemongrass might assist individuals with nervousness. Despite the fact that some people already inhale lemongrass essential oil to alleviate stress and anxiety, researchers require additional evidence to confirm this benefit.

2. Lowering cholesterol

Lemongrass extracts appear to lower cholesterol in animals, according to an article in the Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research titled “Trusted Source.”

The reaction is dose-dependent, according to the research. As a result, taking more lemongrass may help lower cholesterol even further.

3. Preventing infection

As per the Remembrance Sloan Kettering Malignant growth Place, concentrate on results recommend that lemongrass might have some disease forestalling capacities.

For instance, the spice appears to decrease the rate of thrush, a contagious disease that regularly influences individuals with debilitated safe frameworks, like those with HIV.

4. Boosting oral health

In numerous nations where the lemongrass plant is local to the area, individuals will take the lemongrass stalks and bite on them as a method for working on dental wellbeing and keep the mouth feeling clean.

A study confirming these findings was published in the Food Chemistry journal. Lemongrass herbal extracts were found to be one of the most potent inhibitors of bacterial growth in lab samples by the authors, who looked at 12 different herbs. They used Streptococcus sanguine, a type of bacteria that can lead to cavities in the mouth.

5. Relieving pain

Lemongrass may be able to prevent pain, according to one study, Trusted Source. This indicates that consuming lemongrass tea may aid in the prevention of pain perception.

6. Boosting red blood cell levels

A 2015 study suggests that the body’s hemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume, and red blood cell count can be increased by drinking lemongrass tea infusions daily for 30 days.

The specialists took blood tests from 105 human subjects toward the beginning, and afterward at 10 and 30 days into the review. They came to the conclusion that sipping lemongrass tea increases red blood cell formation.

They did not specify exactly how lemongrass does this, but they did suggest that the antioxidant properties of the tea might be involved.

7. Relieving bloating

Lemongrass tea has the potential to diuretize, which means that it makes the kidneys produce more urine than usual.

A small study published in the Journal of Renal Nutrition found that lemongrass tea produced more urine than other beverages.

When water retention causes bloating, this diuretic effect on the body can be helpful. This is a typical side effect of premenstrual condition (PMS).

Lemongrass tea recipe

lemongrass on a wooden background

Lemongrass tea can be prepared at home. The following steps can be taken to make tea after purchasing the stalks from an herbalist or grocery store:

  • use 1-2 stalks cut into 1- to 2-inch pieces
  • boil a cup of water
  • pour the boiling water over the lemongrass stalks to steep
  • leave the stalks in the water for at least 5 minutes
  • strain the liquid from the stalks and pour into a teacup

Adding ice will make a chilly lemongrass tea.

The flavor of the tea should be crisp and citrusy. A person should drink one cup of lemongrass tea every day at first, and if they want, they can add more to their diet over the next few days.

Lemongrass tea, on the other hand, can be found in most grocery and health food stores. Additionally, it can be purchased online.


Lemongrass tea can be a tasty beverage that is also good for your health.

While the majority of the examinations to date on lemongrass tea are limited scale or lab-based, results demonstrate the way that lemongrass tea can assist with working on oral wellbeing, lower cholesterol, and ease bulging.

Lemongrass can be added to stir fries, soups, and other dishes in addition to being consumed as a tea.